NewSpace Scouting Campaign 2022
Are you a German Newspace venture who is looking for a powerful way to increase your visibility toward attracting more coverage, investments, customers, and media?
Capitol Momentum is always searching for new and promising companies that operate in the Space Infrastructure, Signal Distribution, Space Data Application & End User Markets with motivated teams who design, develop and sell disruptive hardware and software products with scalable business models.
The customers and followers of our research products are some of the most reputable and well-established space and non-space companies, German and international NewSpace actors, Venture Capital and Angel Investors.
Each new NewSpace company registration automatically participates in our “2022 NewSpace Ignite” Startup competition. The most promising innovative business model/idea will be awarded free advertising space in one of our upcoming research publications to provide you with the momentum you need to spread your vision.
Register your NewSpace startup today for free industry coverage. Our campaign closes in:
View our 2021 NewSpace Newcomer Upstream Selection.
View our 2021 NewSpace Newcomer Downstream Selection.